Constantine Vaporis, Asian Studies, Invited to Summer Institute

Published: Apr 3, 2013

vaporisConstantine Vaporis, professor of history and director of the Asian studies program, has been invited to attend “India’s Past and the Making of the Present,” a National Endowment for the Humanities summer institute for college and university faculty sponsored by the Community College Humanities Association.

This four-week institute, which will take place in Delhi, Agra, and Varanasi  this July, is designed to be an intense, interdisciplinary engagement with Indian history and culture, providing participants with a rich interplay of resources, seminars, and site visits.  It will introduce participants to the most current scholarly perspectives on India, broadening and deepening their knowledge and understanding of Indian history and culture. The institute will also provide a solid foundation of scholarship for faculty interested in designing and teaching courses dealing with South Asia.

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