
A Special Bond: Tailoring Scholarships

On a recent weekday afternoon, junior Jayneé Jones met Anita Maddox Jackson ’80 for lunch at the Skylight Room at UMBC. The two greeted each other as friends not only because Jones is the grateful recipient of a scholarship endowed by Jackson, but because of the background and interests they share. Both women grew up on the Eastern Shore and both study – or in the case of Jackson, studied – health administration and policy at UMBC. It’s a match made in scholarship heaven. Seeing them together, it is clear that Jackson’s intent as a donor has been realized. “I… Continue Reading A Special Bond: Tailoring Scholarships

Making Her Mark: Leslie Walker-Wilson '74, '76

When Leslie Walker-Wilson ’74 and ’76 M.A., psychology, recalls her days as a student at UMBC, she thinks of the gorgeous plot of land the University sits on and taking 8 a.m. classes to ensure that she could get a good parking space—memories that even the newest UMBC students will share. “I didn’t really appreciate what I had then, studying under a tree in spring or in the library on the winter evenings,” she says. “Things are so hectic now.” When Walker-Wilson says hectic, she means it. She’s the Assistant Superintendent of the Division of Accountability and Assessment in the… Continue Reading Making Her Mark: Leslie Walker-Wilson '74, '76

Making Her Mark: Leslie Walker-Wilson ’74, ’76

When Leslie Walker-Wilson ’74 and ’76 M.A., psychology, recalls her days as a student at UMBC, she thinks of the gorgeous plot of land the University sits on and taking 8 a.m. classes to ensure that she could get a good parking space—memories that even the newest UMBC students will share. “I didn’t really appreciate what I had then, studying under a tree in spring or in the library on the winter evenings,” she says. “Things are so hectic now.” When Walker-Wilson says hectic, she means it. She’s the Assistant Superintendent of the Division of Accountability and Assessment in the… Continue Reading Making Her Mark: Leslie Walker-Wilson ’74, ’76

Shaping Our Sons and Daughters: Meyerhoff Scholars Program

Few days in a person’s life that are truly unforgettable; others we carry with us for our entire lives. In a way, Edie Windsor and Fizza Gulamali-Majid share just such a moment – the days they found out their children had been accepted into the Meyerhoff Scholars Program at UMBC. “I will always remember when [my son] Andy called to tell me he’d been accepted,” says Windsor. “I knew that this was the place for him.” Founded in 1988, the program has graduated more than 800 students, most going on to earn graduate degrees from institutions like Harvard, Stanford, MIT,… Continue Reading Shaping Our Sons and Daughters: Meyerhoff Scholars Program

A Passion for Teaching: Honoring Dr. Carl Weber

Teachers — for all they do — so often fly under the radar, inspiring students to succeed while taking little credit for themselves. The late UMBC biology faculty member, Carl Weber, was one of those teachers. His legacy, however, will ensure that excellence in teaching at UMBC will be recognized and nurtured—in part through a yearly award in his name that is given to outstanding faculty at UMBC. This year’s winner of the 2010 Carl Weber Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching Award was Dr. Jeff Leips, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Biological Sciences. “It… Continue Reading A Passion for Teaching: Honoring Dr. Carl Weber

Leaving a Legacy: A Father’s Wisdom

If Jo Anne Sabas ’77 could give you a piece of advice, she’d pass along something her father, Captain Samuel Joseph Sabas, once said to her: “You can lose your job, you can lose your home, you can even lose your health, but when you earn a college degree it can never be taken away from you.” Jo Anne knows just how true those words are. From an early age, her father encouraged her pursuit of knowledge, and later on inspired her to make a lasting mark with a planned gift to UMBC. Sam Sabas grew up in grinding poverty… Continue Reading Leaving a Legacy: A Father’s Wisdom

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