Campus Life

The Best Is Yet to Come

This December, we celebrated the achievements and accomplishments of the class of 2019. President Freeman Hrabowski addressed the magnitude of these ceremonies saying, “Today, graduates, this is a time for dreams fulfilled.” Continue Reading The Best Is Yet to Come

Dawg Days Abroad: The scoop on UMBC’s newest summer program

Most new students can’t wait to get their college careers started. This group of dedicated Retrievers really couldn’t wait. Through UMBC’s new Dawg Days Abroad program, nearly 30 incoming students had the chance to travel to Bristol, England as part of a two-week international excursion. Students were able to gain college credits and start making lasting memories before classes even began. Developing the pilot program, navigating piles of paperwork, coordinating travel logistics, and wrangling a few dozen college students in a foreign country…seems easy, right? Caylie Middleton ‘08, associate director of international education, told us just how this exciting new… Continue Reading Dawg Days Abroad: The scoop on UMBC’s newest summer program

UMBC students gather for a group photo in Colombia.

Miles to Go Before They Sleep

Nothing ruins a summer day like the invastion of bees, mosquitoes, and ants. Luckily, our UMBC students encountered a very different kind of bug this summer – the travel bug. UMBC’s Education Abroad Office coordinated five faculty-led trips this summer to explore Wales, Spain, France, Italy, and Colombia. While abroad, students had the opportunity to gain college credits, while also immersing themselves in a new culture. Even though they conveniently forgot to send us a postcard, they were kind enough to share some photos from their adventures.   In addition to these summer study abroad opportunities, this is the first… Continue Reading Miles to Go Before They Sleep

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