
Email the Editors (preferred)

Mailing Address

UMBC Magazine
Alumni House
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250

Pitch to UMBC Magazine

We’re looking for a diverse pool of freelance writers (especially alumni) to draw from when we have opportunities to use outside writers. If you’d like to pitch us a story or be considered for potential freelance work, please send us 2 – 3 clips of published work (if you’re a current UMBC student, class assignments along with a professor’s recommendation can substitute) and a description of the types of stories you feel most comfortable writing (community, science, tech, arts, etc.).

Clips should range from 400 – 1,200 words and demonstrate the scope of your experience. UMBC Magazine is printed twice a year (in June and December) and we publish stories online year-round. For best consideration for our print issues, send pitches in mid-January and mid-September.

To see examples of our style and content, please read through current and past issues of UMBC Magazine. When considering story ideas, search through our archives to see if we’ve covered that topic previously. Pitches should reflect the University’s brand and mission. We prioritize storytelling that shows the interconnectedness of our community.

Submit pitches and clips to We look forward to hearing from you!