All posts by: Jenny O'Grady

Leaders in Transformation

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has selected UMBC as one of 10 institutions nationwide to participate in a bold, new initiative designed to “educate, prepare, and inspire the next generation of leaders to advance justice and build equitable communities.” Participating colleges and universities will establish Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers to engage campus and community stakeholders around issues impacting racial equity, such as conscious and unconscious bias. AAC&U President Lynn Pasquerella shares that this is the first piece of a broader vision “to ensure that higher education is playing a leadership role in promoting… Continue Reading Leaders in Transformation

Ask the President – Fall 2017

UMBC President Freeman A. Hrabowski takes your questions. Q: A majority of our alumni live in Maryland. How does the university plan to leverage that population to expand UMBC’s community impact in the coming years? — Nicole Smith ’10, modern languages and linguistics, and president of the Chapter of Young Alumni A: The exciting news is that we already are working in a number of ways with thousands of alumni who live in the Baltimore-Washington corridor and across the State. We bring alumni back to give us advice on everything involving the university, from the academic side to the future… Continue Reading Ask the President – Fall 2017

To You – Fall 2017

Dear Retrievers, What do you remember about your first day of class at UMBC? Were you excited – or perhaps a little nervous – about a particular class? Did you get lost trying to locate your classroom? Or, maybe you were the one helping classmates find their way? I remember my first day of class at UMBC almost perfectly – because it just happened. Although I’ve worked here for more than a dozen years, enjoying the wit and expertise of many professor friends in an informal way, only recently did I make the decision to take on the role of… Continue Reading To You – Fall 2017

Slideshow: House of Grit

Many of our earliest Retrievers remember fulfilling their physical education requirements in Gym I (above), while students looking for a place to lift weights from 1999 to the present spent that time in the Retriever Activities Center across from the Administration Building. Today, UMBC is mere months away from opening the new UMBC Event Center, a 172,000 square foot multi-purpose facility that will house men’s and women’s basketball and women’s volleyball, as well as provide a venue for a variety of events, such as concerts, featured speakers – and Commencement. Learn more about the new UMBC Event Center  — set to… Continue Reading Slideshow: House of Grit

Seeing Without Eyes – The Unexpected World of Nonvisual Photoreception

Thomas Cronin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County We humans are uncommonly visual creatures. And those of us endowed with normal sight are used to thinking of our eyes as vital to how we experience the world. Vision is an advanced form of photoreception – that is, light sensing. But we also experience other more rudimentary forms of photoreception in our daily lives. We all know, for instance, the delight of perceiving the warm sun on our skin, in this case using heat as a substitute for light. No eyes or even special photoreceptor cells are necessary. But scientists have discovered… Continue Reading Seeing Without Eyes – The Unexpected World of Nonvisual Photoreception

Video: Eclipse-Watching, UMBC Style

Along with the rest of the country, members of the UMBC community came together to try to catch a glimpse of August’s total eclipse of the sun. Although Maryland was not in the “path of totality,” the 80% view from Catonsville still elicited the “oohs” and “ahs” of bespectacled Retrievers in front of the Albin O. Kuhn Library – where staff offered demonstrations in pinhole viewer construction – and around campus. [nivoslider id=”8382″] Photos by Marlayna Demond ’11

Video: A Trip to Baltimore’s Oldest Markets

Want to learn more about how Kate Drabinski’s summer course is exploring food justice in Baltimore? UMBC Magazine’s Jenny O’Grady tagged along for a recent walking tour, exploring local historic food markets and a community garden. Learn more about UMBC’s Summer Session here.

Wilderness Warriors

You’re hiking in the woods. A branch snaps…and suddenly you’re on the ground, immobilized by pain. As the sun begins to set, you wonder what you’ll do next, and who might come to your rescue… Wilderness Warriors It takes intense training to rescue and provide excellent medical care to patients under normal, predictable circumstances. To do the same thing in untamed wilderness? Well, that takes an extra layer of grit. That’s why each spring for the last 33 years, UMBC’s Emergency Health Services (EHS) program has sent a group of hardy students deep into the forest to learn the finer… Continue Reading Wilderness Warriors

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