All posts by: Catalina Sofia Dansberger Duque

UMBC faculty offer context and analysis on major policy issues, from self-government in D.C. to healthcare

UMBC professors share their research-based reflections on current events in popular media. Recently, humanities and social sciences faculty Derek Musgrove, Christy Ford Chapin, and John Rennie Short have weighed in on topics from Washington D.C.’s long struggle over self-government, to the feasibility of Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for all” proposal, to decisions over where to host the Olympic Games. Continue Reading UMBC faculty offer context and analysis on major policy issues, from self-government in D.C. to healthcare

How To be a Critical Consumer of Media

With Jason Loviglio, Founding Chair and Associate Professor, Media and Communication Studies The phrase “ fake news” may sound current, but as long as there have been written and visual media, readers and audiences have puzzled and debated over how to interpret what is true. With The War of the Worlds, Orson Welles created one of the best-known early examples of broadcast audiences mistaking fiction for fact, when a small fraction of listeners tuning in to the 1938 radio broadcast reacted with panic, certain that aliens, or Germans, were invading. Today’s media consumers must filter input from various sources quickly… Continue Reading How To be a Critical Consumer of Media

UMBC’s Chris Curran receives major NIJ grant for research on law enforcement in K–12 schools

“Right now there are students being short-changed by the education system. They are not sitting in a classroom with a high enough quality teacher. They are not being provided the resources they deserve,” Curran reflects. “Too often these disparities run along racial lines, socioeconomic lines, or gender lines, and that is a problem.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Chris Curran receives major NIJ grant for research on law enforcement in K–12 schools

Women presents a talk from a podium, with laptop in front of her and projector screen behind her.

Christy Ford Chapin begins Library of Congress fellowship, continuing history faculty’s trend of research achievement

Chapin loves how historians seek answers buried in documents, archives, museums, libraries, basements, attics and forgotten filing cabinets. “I was really intimidated by the research aspect early on in my graduate career, but then I fell in love with the hunt for primary sources and the process of putting together pieces of the evidence puzzle,” she says. Continue Reading Christy Ford Chapin begins Library of Congress fellowship, continuing history faculty’s trend of research achievement

UMBC’s Gloria Chuku receives international award for influential scholarship in Africana studies

“I remembered my grandmother, my mother, and of course all the powerful women of Igbo descent who accomplished a great deal… Their histories and experiences had not been captured and recorded. I thought, that is an area I should focus on when I have the opportunity,” says Chuku. Continue Reading UMBC’s Gloria Chuku receives international award for influential scholarship in Africana studies

Susan Sterett and Anne Brodsky begin new social science leadership roles at UMBC

“Universities can broaden our horizons and invite us to bring our inquiry to our communities,” says Susan Sterett, the new director of the School of Public Policy, emphasizing, “UMBC’s proud tradition of excellence and public service are evident in the problems faculty and students in the School of Public Policy study, and the connection to communities that they bring.” Continue Reading Susan Sterett and Anne Brodsky begin new social science leadership roles at UMBC

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