Zakaria Fatih, MLLI, Selected as Review Editor of The French Review

Published: Jan 16, 2015

Zakaria FatihZakaria Fatih, modern languages, linguistics and intercultural communication, has been selected to the editorial staff of the French Review, the journal of the American Association of Teachers of French. After serving two years as the Assistant Editor, he has been promoted to the position of Review Editor (section: Culture and Society). The French Review “has the largest circulation of any scholarly journal of French and Francophone studies in the world.”

Fatih also recently published an article titled: “The Aesthetics of Fragmentation, or a Way to Read El Maleh” in Expressions maghrébines: Revue de la Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures Maghrébines. The article is an attempt to read analytically the complex fiction of Jewish Moroccan author Edmond Amran El Maleh, who is also referred to as the James Joyce of Morocco

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