Thomas Schaller, Political Science, on Current TV and The Daily Beast

Published: Jan 24, 2012

UMBC political science professor and national political commentator Thomas Schaller appeared on CurrentTV’s “Young Turks” show last night, weighing in on the question “Should liberals root for Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich?” Schaller suggested, “Newt will get the base fired up, but… a vote cast with intensity counts the same as a vote cast reluctantly. It doesn’t matter how juiced up the conservative id is. The votes in the middle are going to matter.”
Schaller also weighed in on the GOP candidates’ abilities to collect delegates, in The Daily Beast‘s primary coverage. Whereas neither Gingrich nor Santorum will appear on the Virginia ballot, Schaller says Romney is “going to collect delegates at every stop. He’s on the ballots; he’s going to get his 25 percent … He’s the best prepared.”

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