Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun

Published: May 1, 2014

As the Democratic primary in the Maryland race for governor approaches next month, Attorney General Douglas Gansler has intensified his criticism of Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown’s handling of the state’s online health exchange.

Tom Schaller

Political Science Professor Thomas Schaller was quoted in a Washington Post article about the increased criticism: “Right now, this is the best punch Gansler’s got, and Brown may be a little bloodied by it,” said Schaller. “But it remains to be seen how much mileage he can get.”

Schaller also published a column in The Baltimore Sun on April 29 about public sentiment shifting toward marijuana legalization.

“Marylanders’ attitudes are consistent with changing attitudes across the country. According to the national Marijuana Policy Project, ‘the public is far ahead of most public officials on support for marijuana policy reform.’ For the first time in four decades, a majority of Americans polled by Pew Research support legalizing recreational marijuana use; larger majorities support medicinal consumption,” Schaller wrote.

To read the article in The Washington Post, click here. To read the column in The Baltimore Sun, click here.

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