Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the New Republic and Baltimore Sun

Published: Jul 10, 2013

Tom SchallerIt’s been a busy few weeks in the news for UMBC political science professor Thomas F. Schaller. In addition to his regular Baltimore Sun op-eds — most recently on immigration reform and the GOP’s demographic future — Schaller was quoted in The New Republic article “He’s Handsome, He’s Progressive, He’s a Rocker…” on Gov. Martin O’Malley’s presidential prospects. There, Schaller argues that it’s hard do build a national campaign on being a competent manager, without having a clear, coherent political identity.

Additionally, Schaller commented in the Baltimore Sun on Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s endorsement of Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown as governor, calling the announcement “big.” Schaller reflected that Brown “is well known mostly in the suburbs [and] Prince George’s County,” and the mayor’s support “gives him a huge head start.”

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