Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in The Baltimore Sun

Published: Sep 30, 2013

Tom SchallerAlthough Maryland voters won’t elect a new governor until the November 2013 general election, six gubernatorial candidates are already “poised to start running in earnest — touring the state, signing up volunteers and raising millions of dollars for a spirited race,” reports The Baltimore Sun.

“We’re moving into this phase when the policy and platforms are being rolled out,” says UMBC political science professor Thomas Schaller. “It doesn’t necessarily mean that voters want to be on that timeline.”

Why the rush? Because of a change by the General Assembly in 2011, the primary will be held in June rather than September. Plus, notes the Sun, it’s expected to be the most competitive primary in 20 years.

Learn more about the election in “Maryland governor’s race off to an early start.

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