Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun

Published: May 29, 2013

In his latest Baltimore Sun column, UMBC political science professor Thomas F. Schaller, responds to the White House’s challenging month, including more Benghazi developments and scandals involving the IRS and journalist bugging.

Tom Schaller“Taken separately, none of these episodes is fatal,” writes Schaller, “But, taken together, these three political problems reveal an underlying fault in President Obama’s leadership style. […] Mr. Obama too often seems politically detached.”

How has this become problematic in the Obama presidency? Schaller suggests, “We tend to equate the abuse of presidential power with its use…In Mr. Obama’s case, however, the abuse of power emanates from non-use. Failing to employ the power of the presidency to protect journalists, whistleblowers, and political opponents constitutes the abuse of power in absentia and is byproduct of this president’s political detachment.”

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