Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in Salon

Published: Dec 22, 2011

Thomas Schaller (UMBC)“This is the moment [Obama] and his presidency promised to deliver,” writes UMBC political science professor Thomas Schaller in Salon, of the fight over the payroll tax cut extension. “This is,” he suggests, “a moment  for the president to demonstrate the resolve that earned his hopeful believers’ support three years ago, and it comes as he begins asking the electorate for another four-year lease on the Oval Office.”

Beyond supporting the payroll tax cut extension, Schaller argues, “the president should go a step further and call out the GOP’s Tea Party wing,” which blocked the passage of a two-month extension earlier this week. “He can’t let their stalling tactics break him,” Schaller writes, “Because this is not just the fight of his presidency — it could very well be the fight for his presidency.” Read the full column at

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