The Daily Record’s “20 in their Twenties” list highlights three UMBC alumni as emerging leaders in Maryland

Published: May 2, 2016

(Christine Osazuwa. Photo by Marlayna Demond '11 for UMBC.)

The Daily Record’s “20 in their Twenties” list for 2016 highlights the achievements of three UMBC alumni, all emerging leaders in their fields. Christine Osazuwa ‘11, interdisciplinary studies; Katie Dix ‘10, American studies and political science; and Matthew Stubenberg ‘09, political science, were identified as up-and-coming young professionals who are already making major contributions to Maryland.

Osazuwa, Dix, and Stubenberg were selected by past recipients of the “20 in their Twenties” award, based on their professional accomplishments, civic engagement and the impact of their achievements. Osazuwa works as social media and web coordinator for the division of professional studies at UMBC. Dix is the volunteer manager of the Watershed Protection Program at Blue Water Baltimore. Stubenberg is the IT director for the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service.

“In your twenties, there are no longer syllabi around to tell you that you’re making the right choice or what your expected outcome will be. No matter how confident you are, once in a while you question your choices” and you wonder “am I really making a difference?” says Osazuwa. She shares, “That’s why this award from The Daily Record means so much to me.”

Osazuwa says the award also helps her think of the people who support her. “It reminds me that there are people out there who believe in me, my future, and my decisions. Validation like this goes a long way in any young person’s life, and I’m eager to see what opportunities await me in the future,” she explains.

Read the full list of the “20 in their Twenties” award winners for 2016 in The Daily Record.

Image: Christine Osazuwa. Photo by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC.

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