
Peter Wilschke and a professor stand on each side of a research poster

Peter Wilschke ’24, political science and economics, publishes empirical research as the sole author in the State and Local Government Review journal

“Once you take these courses, your world is kind of open to how empirical research is actually conducted in those fields. Without these classes I would not have known where to start,” says Wilschke. He advises students to approach empirical work as a combination of two things. “You have to care about your research question to push through all the time and hard work needed,” says UMBC’s Peter Wilschke ’24, political science and economics, “and put to work all the research skills you’ve learned to answer a question that needs to be answered, that policymakers can use to improve people’s lives.” Continue Reading Peter Wilschke ’24, political science and economics, publishes empirical research as the sole author in the State and Local Government Review journal

College students sit around a table discussing a book

UMBC’s first Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence shares unique research on neurodiversity in language teaching and learning

“If students have not experienced an inclusive classroom, they may be afraid of managing an inclusive classroom when they become teachers,” says Jules Buendgens-Kosten, a research assistant at the Institute of English and American Studies at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany and UMBC’s first Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence , whose research helps prepare educators to teach students with dyslexia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and other minority neurotypes. “One way to reduce this fear is giving teachers tools for best practices on neurodiversity in teaching and learning.” Continue Reading UMBC’s first Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence shares unique research on neurodiversity in language teaching and learning

Brick rowhomes with tall buildings in the background neediest areas

Neediest areas are being shortchanged on government funds − even with programs designed to benefit poor communities

Erik Stokan, associate professor of political science at UMBC, collaborated on a study that looked at 20 years of data from the CDBG program, which in 2022 provided about $4.3 billion to cities and states across the country. Federal rules require that 70% of these funds be spent in neighborhoods where a majority of families have low to moderate incomes – a category researchers abbreviate as “LMI.” Continue Reading Neediest areas are being shortchanged on government funds − even with programs designed to benefit poor communities

An adult wearing a suit jacket stands outside in front of a red brick building

Students inspire William Blake’s paper on constitutional amendments in the prestigious ‘American Political Science Review’ 

The American Political Science Review, the leading political science peer-reviewed journal,  published “Social Capital, Institutional Rules, and Constitutional Amendment Rates,” a new research article by lead author William Blake, associate professor and associate chair of political science. at UMBC The study addressed why some constitutions are amended more frequently than others. Continue Reading Students inspire William Blake’s paper on constitutional amendments in the prestigious ‘American Political Science Review’ 

Man standing behind UMBC podium, smiling.

Meet a Retriever—Christian Jassani ’27, a first-year ambassador and active student leader

Meet Christian Jassani, a first-year political science and global studies major. Christian is a member of the Honors College, Susquehanna Community Council, Honors Council, and SGA. He has taken advantage of the many opportunities UMBC offers, which has helped him to grow, both socially, and academically. From these opportunities, he has been able to gain confidence in himself, find a family at UMBC, and make connections with staff who are there to support his academic journey every step of the way. Continue Reading Meet a Retriever—Christian Jassani ’27, a first-year ambassador and active student leader

Urban development simulation helps students learn how to balance growth, equity, and environmental sustainability 

“I could lecture students about the ethical, financial, structural, and environmental issues cities grapple with in the urban development process, but urban planning simulations create an entirely different learning process,” says Eric Stokan, associate professor of political science who partnered with the Urban Land Institute for this project. Continue Reading Urban development simulation helps students learn how to balance growth, equity, and environmental sustainability 

A mentor stands outside talking with a student about asking for help and community support with a building and trees in the background

Graduating students share how unexpected paths and community support got them to where they needed to be

“College can be a nerve-wracking and anxious experience, right? So when you have a question, or when you are feeling uncertain, when you are feeling overwhelmed, do me one favor,” said Joel DeWyer, director of campus life operations, encouraging students to find community support. “Find someone around you in your community and ask for help.” Continue Reading Graduating students share how unexpected paths and community support got them to where they needed to be

Two adults stand in front of a table with a blue table cloth with the letter GAO written in white a federal program.

Rooted in Advocacy—Giese ’99 ensures federal programs meet community needs

“The humanities, the cultural studies, provide important insights that we all need to influence the nation that we live in. It makes you think creatively about how you want to live your life,” says Danielle Giese’99. “Combining Africana studies with political science has given me incredible insights into how our government systems affect people of color. ” Continue Reading Rooted in Advocacy—Giese ’99 ensures federal programs meet community needs

A group of students and a professor stand stand close together holding small gold and black signs, civic engagment

Inaugural UMBC Paw Poll reveals high levels of student civic engagement

“My guiding philosophy is to create applied-learning projects that have legs—that go beyond the classroom context. Paw Poll is one example,” says Ian Anson, associate professor of political science. “I want students to experience how political science theories and applications impact communities—in this case, the UMBC community.” Continue Reading Inaugural UMBC Paw Poll reveals high levels of student civic engagement

two men stand next to a surf board at the beach

Hang Ten with New Friends

When UMBC’s volleyball team headed to the University of Southern California (USC) for a tournament, Athletics reached out and invited West Coast Retrievers to an LA happy hour before the game. Eager to reconnect with their alma mater and meet other alumni in the area, folks gathered together and new friendships were formed.  Despite the decades between their UMBC experiences, Matt Sheriff ’00, political science, and Nathenael Dereb ’21, computer science, bonded over a quintessential California connection—surfing. Specifically, Dereb, a recent relocator, wanted to learn how and Sheriff, who’s been on the West Coast for years, had the skills to… Continue Reading Hang Ten with New Friends

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