Honors College

Man standing behind UMBC podium, smiling.

Meet a Retriever—Christian Jassani ’27, a first-year ambassador and active student leader

Meet Christian Jassani, a first-year political science and global studies major. Christian is a member of the Honors College, Susquehanna Community Council, Honors Council, and SGA. He has taken advantage of the many opportunities UMBC offers, which has helped him to grow, both socially, and academically. From these opportunities, he has been able to gain confidence in himself, find a family at UMBC, and make connections with staff who are there to support his academic journey every step of the way. Continue Reading Meet a Retriever—Christian Jassani ’27, a first-year ambassador and active student leader

Link Roundup: UMBC in the News

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. Dr. Hrabowski, when asked for his New Year’s resolution by Baltimore magazine, says he resolves “to see challenges as opportunity for growth.” Govind Rao, chemistry and biochemistry, discusses the potentially life-saving improvements he and his team have made to the design of a low-cost incubator for preterm and low-birth-weight babies. Kimberly Moffitt,… Continue Reading Link Roundup: UMBC in the News

Roundup: UMBC in the News

One of the things that makes UMBC great is how wonderful our alumni, students, faculty, and staff are. Because of these amazing people, UMBC often finds itself “in the news,” so each week, we’ll be sharing with you a round-up of the most newsworthy achievements from our community. Dr. Freeman Hrabowski delivered a speech at Clemson University for its President’s Lecture Series on Leadership and Diversity, and was joined on stage by Clemson president Jim Clements ’85, computer science, M.S. ’91, operations analysis, Ph.D. ’93 operations analysis. William LaCourse, chemistry, collaborated with Loryn R. Keating of the County College of… Continue Reading Roundup: UMBC in the News

Career Q&A: Lauren Bucca ’13, English

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today we catch up with Lauren Bucca ’13, English, who, after an internship in the Medieval Manuscripts Library at the Walters Art Museum and graduate studies at the University of Durham, now works for the Rowman & Littlefield publishing company. Name: Lauren Bucca Job Title: Publicity Assistant, Rowman & Littlefield Major/Minor: English, double minor in History and Medieval and Early Modern Studies Grad Year: 2013 What led you down the path to publishing? The world of publishing is a kind of haven for someone with deep literary… Continue Reading Career Q&A: Lauren Bucca ’13, English

Book Smart: Joseph Howley ’06, Ancient Studies,

“Roman poets were a lot like rappers,” observes Joseph Howley ’06, ancient studies, who is an assistant professor of classics at Columbia University. It’s the kind of observation – presented as an almost offhand remark – that typifies Howley’s approach to the discipline. As a scholar particularly attuned to the unexpected, Howley thinks the modern fixation on Roman poetry, as opposed to other classical texts, has tended to constrict our perceptions of Roman experiences. His current research on different aspects of the book as a physical and technological object in ancient times sets out to radically broaden that understanding. “A… Continue Reading Book Smart: Joseph Howley ’06, Ancient Studies,

Student Scholarship Q&A: Kaitlyn Golden, psychology

Every so often, we highlight the importance of student scholarships by introducing you to the very students they help to succeed. Today, we’re featuring Kaitlyn Golden, a senior psychology major who is also a Shattuck Family Entrepreneurial Scholarship recipient. This scholarship was established to recognize and celebrate outstanding UMBC students who have demonstrated an interest in entrepreneurship, high academic potential and drive, and an exceptional value system and commitment to the community. Name: Kaitlyn Golden Grad year/major: May 2014, psychology Affiliation: Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program, Honors College Q: Why did you decide to attend UMBC? A: My sister attended… Continue Reading Student Scholarship Q&A: Kaitlyn Golden, psychology

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