young trees planted in rows shade the forest floor

Beyond “plant trees!”: UMBC research finds tree plantations encroaching on essential ecosystems

Trees supply a host of benefits for animals and people. However, new research led by Matthew Fagan finds that some trees planted in the tropics may be doing more harm than good. “Ecologists have been sounding the alarm on this for over a decade,” Fagan says. “But no one’s had a hard number about how much this is actually happening.” Continue Reading Beyond “plant trees!”: UMBC research finds tree plantations encroaching on essential ecosystems

An adult with dark hair pulled back wearing a Fuchsia dress jacket and a blouse with Fuchsia flowers stands in front of a tree. Immigrant, UMBC, teenager.

Giving voice to immigrant experiences

“When I arrived in Spain as a teenager, my teachers did not expect me to go to college because I was an immigrant and because I didn’t have the resources to access certain learning opportunities,” says Melisa Argañaraz Gomez, Ph.D. ’22, geography and environmental systems. “Now, as a graduate student in the U.S., remembering my experience as a teenager helps me connect with the students I support and empathize with their lives.” Continue Reading Giving voice to immigrant experiences

UMBC faculty and staff award recipients place community at the core of their success

At UMBC’s 2022 Presidential Faculty and Staff Awards (PFASA), Tamra Mendelson said she loves “getting to the core of a concept” in her research and teaching. As awardee after awardee addressed the audience, both in person and online, it became clear that all shared the same “core concept” of UMBC: community. Continue Reading UMBC faculty and staff award recipients place community at the core of their success

A man wearing a white dress shirt and dark rimmed glasses stands in front of a light brick building.

Smithsonian features Erle Ellis’s research on how humans have shaped ecology over millennia as a top discovery of 2021

“Our work shows that most areas depicted as ‘untouched,’ ‘wild,’ and ‘natural’ are actually areas with long histories of human inhabitation and use,” Ellis previously shared with UMBC News. They might be interpreted like this, he suggests, because in these areas, “societies used their landscapes in ways that sustained most of their native biodiversity and even increased their biodiversity, productivity, and resilience.”  Continue Reading Smithsonian features Erle Ellis’s research on how humans have shaped ecology over millennia as a top discovery of 2021

Two women wearing black masks, glasses, white lab coats, and blue globes, working together in a science lab.

Ocean exploration to environmental justice: UMBC students seize on unique summer opportunities

When COVID struck, students, families, and educators nationwide worried about the impact it would have on learning experiences and career opportunities. Throughout summer 2021, UMBC students have proven that with tenacity and support they can still access meaningful internships. Continue Reading Ocean exploration to environmental justice: UMBC students seize on unique summer opportunities

Graduating Retrievers find joy and career inspiration in supporting K-12 students and families

“I was able to access excellent research opportunities in the humanities that I never thought would be available at the undergraduate level,” says Emily Rose Paul ‘21, global studies. “UMBC is known as a STEM school, but I have received the most amazing humanities education as a global studies student. You will be surprised at all that you can find here.” Continue Reading Graduating Retrievers find joy and career inspiration in supporting K-12 students and families

UMBC’s 2021 grads advance research with public impact—from disaster response to assistive tech

Students from across all three UMBC colleges are graduating this week having taken advantage of the unique undergraduate research opportunities and supportive mentorship UMBC offers. They’re poised to take their research to the next level and move on to new challenges through graduate school and careers. Continue Reading UMBC’s 2021 grads advance research with public impact—from disaster response to assistive tech

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