Person working on a machine with a bright light in a lab. They are wearing sunglasses.

UMBC’s CyMOT receives $1.2M to expand cyber training for manufacturing workers

UMBC researchers designed the Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Operational Technology (CyMOT) program to help manufacturing professionals grow their cybersecurity skills, protecting the sector from cyber threats and increasing their career opportunities. Now, the program has received significant additional funding to expand its impact. Continue Reading UMBC’s CyMOT receives $1.2M to expand cyber training for manufacturing workers

10 people in professional clothing pose, smiling at camera in front of GRIT-X 2022 backdrop.

GRIT-X 2022 brings to life the “essence” of UMBC research and creative achievement

Amid a bustling day filled with Homecoming excitement, GRIT-X returned to UMBC this month for its sixth year, delivering a wide-ranging lineup of Retriever excellence in action. Held in the Fine Arts Recital Hall, this year’s GRIT-X was the first for new UMBC President Valerie Sheares Ashby. Enjoying one engaging talk after another, she deemed the event “the essence of UMBC.” Continue Reading GRIT-X 2022 brings to life the “essence” of UMBC research and creative achievement

five people stand on a rooftop with a blue sky and the UMBC library in the background

Ozone and thunderstorms: Two UMBC Ph.D. students receive prestigious NASA grants, mentor undergraduates

Maurice Roots and Kylie Hoffman, UMBC Ph.D. students in atmospheric physics, have received competitive Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) awards that will support the remainder of their graduate studies. Roots’s research project will focus on air pollution and Hoffman will target thunderstorms, both using remote sensing techniques. Continue Reading Ozone and thunderstorms: Two UMBC Ph.D. students receive prestigious NASA grants, mentor undergraduates

Portrait of man in a dress shirt with arm on a staircase railing.

UMBC’s Anupam Joshi, cybersecurity innovator, to expand leadership impact as 2022–23 ACE Fellow

Anupam Joshi, a professor focused on both high-impact computing research and expanding access to computer science and cybersecurity education, has been named a 2022-23 American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow. He will spend the coming academic year with University System of Maryland (USM) leaders. Continue Reading UMBC’s Anupam Joshi, cybersecurity innovator, to expand leadership impact as 2022–23 ACE Fellow

A man with glasses stares through a window pensively

Did Twitter ignore basic security measures? A cybersecurity expert explains a whistleblower’s claims

By Richard Forno, Principal Lecturer,Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, UMBC Twitter’s former security chief, Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, filed a whistleblower complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission in July 2022, accusing the microblogging platform company of serious security failings. The accusations amplified the ongoing drama of Twitter’s potential sale to Elon Musk. Zatko spent decades as an ethical hacker, private researcher, government adviser and executive at some of the most prominent internet companies and government offices. He is practically a legend in the cybersecurity industry. Because of his reputation, when he speaks, people and governments normally listen – which underscores… Continue Reading Did Twitter ignore basic security measures? A cybersecurity expert explains a whistleblower’s claims

UMBC students, educators, and researchers advance Maryland through innovative computing partnership

The Maryland Institute for Innovative Computing “reflects Maryland’s dedication to ensuring our state agencies have the technical staffing and internal infrastructure they need,” says Annie Weinschenk, program director of workforce initiatives in the UMBC Career Center. Continue Reading UMBC students, educators, and researchers advance Maryland through innovative computing partnership

UMBC students explore South Korea, Japan through new Education Abroad Access Fund

“Education abroad is known to have a positive impact on students’ future academic and career outcomes, but the costs of international travel can result in barriers to participation,” says David Di Maria, associate vice provost for international education. “The Class of 1970’s generous gift helps address these barriers. It ensures more Retrievers are able to enjoy the transformative benefits of making the world their classroom.” Continue Reading UMBC students explore South Korea, Japan through new Education Abroad Access Fund

Political crowdfunding does more than raise money – it can also rile up opponents

The success of politicians in the U.S. largely depends on the amount of funding they receive from various sources. Traditionally, volunteers went door to door to solicit donations from individuals. Today, politicians use social media to encourage their supporters to donate and eventually vote for them. Many politicians have turned to this sort of political crowdfunding. Continue Reading Political crowdfunding does more than raise money – it can also rile up opponents

UMBC's campus from a bird's eye view

UMBC’s student innovation competition winners share tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Student teams recently gathered at Betamore, a Baltimore-based entrepreneurship and coworking space, to battle in the final round of UMBC’s annual Cangialosi Business Innovation Competition. This year’s competition included two distinct tracks: technology and innovation, and social impact. The top three ideas in each track received funding to help move their ventures forward. Continue Reading UMBC’s student innovation competition winners share tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

close up of gloved hands manipulating unseen item under a microscope

NIDA EDUCATE program develops the next generation of addiction researchers

In 2021, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) awarded UMBC more than $1 million over five years to create a program specifically for undergraduate scholars interested in research on substance abuse and addiction. A year after the program’s launch, it is thriving as students in fields as diverse as economics, computer science, and chemical engineering find ways to connect their interests to this important topic. Continue Reading NIDA EDUCATE program develops the next generation of addiction researchers

UMBC’s Cynthia Matuszek receives NSF CAREER Award to study how robots understand spoken language

Robots are becoming increasingly capable of complex tasks and are moving into roles that previously could only be done by people, in sectors like healthcare, education, and elder care. UMBC’s Cynthia Matuszek has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to study how robots learn about the physical world from spoken language to improve how they work with people. Continue Reading UMBC’s Cynthia Matuszek receives NSF CAREER Award to study how robots understand spoken language

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