News and Updates about UMBC’s College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Right opportunity, right time: Entrepreneur returns to finish her UMBC degree

When Sheila Abellano ‘22 received a letter in the mail about the university’s Finish Line program, she knew it was time. After leaving UMBC in 2009, she raised a family and started two small businesses. Reading that Finish Line would waive her readmission fee and offer support with enrollment, financial aid, and academics, she saw a great opportunity. Continue Reading Right opportunity, right time: Entrepreneur returns to finish her UMBC degree

Boy smiling for headshot outdoors in UMBC sweatshirt

Language enthusiast wants to broaden his perspective

An aspiring polyglot, Caleb Ruck ’22, modern languages and linguistics, collected languages like Pokemon when he was young. No college felt right, however, until the day he toured UMBC. He knew right away that it was where he belonged. “I genuinely think that UMBC is the best possible fit that I could have gotten,” he says, “it has a very deliberate underdog spirit.” Continue Reading Language enthusiast wants to broaden his perspective

Woman smiling for headshot outside

Social work graduate invests in herself and others

Jane De Hitta ‘22 was initially drawn to UMBC by its strong academic reputation and she quickly fell in love with the university. As a social work major who had long worked with adults with disabilities, she wanted to invest in the lives and stories of those around her. But when faced with a cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy, she knew she needed a break to focus on herself. She also knew UMBC would be there to welcome her back when she was ready. Continue Reading Social work graduate invests in herself and others

An adult with dark hair pulled back wearing a Fuchsia dress jacket and a blouse with Fuchsia flowers stands in front of a tree. Immigrant, UMBC, teenager.

Giving voice to immigrant experiences

“When I arrived in Spain as a teenager, my teachers did not expect me to go to college because I was an immigrant and because I didn’t have the resources to access certain learning opportunities,” says Melisa Argañaraz Gomez, Ph.D. ’22, geography and environmental systems. “Now, as a graduate student in the U.S., remembering my experience as a teenager helps me connect with the students I support and empathize with their lives.” Continue Reading Giving voice to immigrant experiences

UMBC Albin O'Kuhn Library in springtime.

Can you catch a deepfake? UMBC researchers receive NSF award to help people identify audio deepfakes

Vandana Janeja and Christine Mallinson have received a two-year, $300,000 grant from NSF to study deepfakes, focusing on audio clips. Deepfakes are images, videos, and sounds that are developed using artificial intelligence, but that are designed to appear as real-life recordings. They can be highly deceiving for audiences, impacting public opinion and behavior. Continue Reading Can you catch a deepfake? UMBC researchers receive NSF award to help people identify audio deepfakes

A portrait of Derek Musgrove smiling, wearing a blue button down shirt.

New Carnegie Fellow Derek Musgrove examines Black political movements in the U.S., 1980 – 1997

“Dr. Musgrove’s selection for the Carnegie Fellowship is further confirmation of the great work happening in the humanities at UMBC,” says Kimberly Moffitt, dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. “We are appreciative of Carnegie’s recognition of his work and of the human experience during such a moment in history.” Continue Reading New Carnegie Fellow Derek Musgrove examines Black political movements in the U.S., 1980 – 1997

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