
UMBC artists recognized for excellence through highly competitive awards

Funding for individual artists is often scarce and always highly competitive, but the Baltimore-Washington region is fortunate to have both state and private organizations awarding funds directly to individual artists. Award announcements this spring include many UMBC students, alumni and faculty, whose recognition speaks to ongoing artistic excellence at UMBC. The Maryland State Arts Council’s annual Individual Artist Award (IAA) “recognizes the importance of artists and their works of excellence to the cultural vibrancy of Maryland.” The award categories cycle every three years and this year awards were given within the disciplines of Creative Non-Fiction/Fiction, Media/Digital/Electronic Arts, Theater Solo Performance, Painting,… Continue Reading UMBC artists recognized for excellence through highly competitive awards

PBS documentary features neuroscientist Kafui Dzirasa’s new approach to treating bipolar disorder

Kafui Dzirasa ’01 is featured in a PBS documentary that offers a glimpse into the lives of people with bipolar disorder. He is developing an electrical device that would stabilize a person’s mood without the side effects caused by medications. Continue Reading PBS documentary features neuroscientist Kafui Dzirasa’s new approach to treating bipolar disorder

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