Alumni association

Meet the Alumni Leadership: Ken Pittman ’80

Name: Kenneth L. Pittman ‘80, economics, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® Employer: PNC Wealth Management Alumni leadership role: President of the UMBC Alumni Association Board of Directors Q: Where are you from originally? Annapolis, MD Q: What’s your favorite UMBC memory? Meeting my (future) wife at Dr. Peake’s Halloween Party Q: Why are you involved in an alumni board or chapter? If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Q: Do you have a favorite hobby or pastime? Power boating and scuba diving. Q: If you were an Olympian, what would be your sport/activity of choice?… Continue Reading Meet the Alumni Leadership: Ken Pittman ’80

[Excerpt] UMBC Rugby Celebrates 30 Years!

Sometimes, the strongest legacies arise from the humblest beginnings. For UMBC’s rugby team – one of the oldest clubs on campus – it all began with a bag of chips, a few cold ones, and a group of determined guys. On May 3, the team proudly celebrated its 30th anniversary – a true legacy for UMBC and the ruggers. Andrew Gaither ‘94, history, a current rugger and member of the Alumni Association Board, is overwhelmed and honored that the team has lasted this long. “I don’t think anybody thought we’d get this far,” says Gaither. “Having endured 30 years and seeing… Continue Reading [Excerpt] UMBC Rugby Celebrates 30 Years!

Career Q&A: Marlayna Demond ’11, Visual Arts, Photographer

Every so often, we’ll chat with an alum about what they do and how they got there. Today we’re talking with photographer Marlayna Demond ’11, Visual Arts, about what it’s like to run her own photography business and work for UMBC at the same time. Name: Marlayna Demond Job Title: Photographer Employer: self and UMBC Scholarships Received at UMBC: Linehan Scholar Q: Tell us a little bit about how you wound up at UMBC. I knew I wanted to go somewhere that had a strong art program, but I also knew I didn’t want to go to an art school… Continue Reading Career Q&A: Marlayna Demond ’11, Visual Arts, Photographer

Alumni Accolades – Outstanding Alumni of the Year 2011

Among the highlights of UMBC’s Homecoming 2011 is a ceremony that honors university alumni who have achieved distinction in a wide range of disciplines and careers. The UMBC Alumni Association – which selects recipients and presents the awards – moved the annual Outstanding Alumni of the Year ceremony back to campus in 2009, and it has since become a key element of the university’s celebration of school spirit. This year’s recipients of the awards – which will be presented on Thursday, October 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery – include alumni who’ve reached prominence in… Continue Reading Alumni Accolades – Outstanding Alumni of the Year 2011

Congratulations to UMBC's Newest Alumni: The Class of 2011!

Congratulations to the Class of 2011! The UMBC Alumni Association is proud to welcome you as its newest members. – Read about members of the Class of 2011 on our special Commencement site. – Read the Baltimore Sun’s inspiring story about political science major Matt Courson, who walked across the stage five years after being paralyzed. Congratulations, Matt!

“Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

For many students, it takes more than brilliant professors, hours of study, and supportive classmates to succeed in college. Often, a gesture as simple as a book scholarship, or a conversation with someone who’s walked in your shoes, so to speak, can mean the difference between earning straight As and struggling to stay afloat. For Latino students needing that extra boost toward graduation, there’s plenty of “esperanza,” or hope, for the future, thanks in part to Dr. Shivonne L. Laird ’99, biological sciences. One of the founding members of UMBC’s Chapter of Black & Latino Alumni (CBLA), Laird also helped… Continue Reading “Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

“Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

For many students, it takes more than brilliant professors, hours of study, and supportive classmates to succeed in college. Often, a gesture as simple as a book scholarship, or a conversation with someone who’s walked in your shoes, so to speak, can mean the difference between earning straight As and struggling to stay afloat. For Latino students needing that extra boost toward graduation, there’s plenty of “esperanza,” or hope, for the future, thanks in part to Dr. Shivonne L. Laird ’99, biological sciences. One of the founding members of UMBC’s Chapter of Black & Latino Alumni (CBLA), Laird also helped… Continue Reading “Esperanza” For the Future: Dr. Shivonne L. Laird '99

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