Roy Meyers, Political Science, Source on PolitiFact

Published: Dec 7, 2011

A man with grey hair and a grey mustache wearing glasses and a blue and white checkered dress shirt smiles at the camera. There is a wall behind him with the word truth written on it in white.
Roy Meyers.

UMBC Political Science Professor Roy Meyers joined Yale’s David Mayhew and other scholars this week in providing PolitiFact with insight into Newt Gingrich, as the site explored David Axelrod’s claim that Gingrich is the “the godfather of gridlock.” The site offers evidence for Gingrich’s reputation as both a bare-knuckled fighter and a deal-maker, suggesting “Gingrich has been more of a prince of partisanship than a godfather of gridlock.”
Meyers also disputed the godfather characterization in his comments to PolitiFact, arguing that Gingrich is far from consistently quiet and disciplined, as the persona suggests. Meyers alternatively argued that Gingrich is the father of a different practice, using a technique Paul Krugman has called “doublethink” — believing in what he’s saying “even when he knows what he’s saying isn’t true” — to gain and retain party control through persuasive rhetoric.

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