Roy Meyers, Political Science, on WYPR’s Maryland Morning

Published: Jan 16, 2015

Roy Meyers (UMBC)On Friday, January 9, Political Science Professor Roy Meyers appeared on WYPR’s Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast to discuss Maryland’s budget process for the upcoming year. Meyers was a guest on the program along with The Daily Record Government Reporter Bryan Sears.

Meyers offered insight into what Maryland Gov.-Elect Larry Hogan will encounter with negotiations with the legislature when he takes office next week. He discussed mandated entitlement spending, discretionary spending, and analyzed Maryland’s unique budget process.

“Every year the governor makes a budget proposal. That budget proposal not only includes recommended spending levels for agency operations which the legislature can’t increase, but also asks for changes in those laws. They’re normally packaged in a law called the BRFA- the Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act.”

To listen to the full interview and hear Meyer’s in-depth analysis of the Maryland budget, click here.

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