Roy Meyers, Political Science, on PolitiFact

Published: Aug 5, 2013

Roy Meyers (UMBC)The fact-checking site PolitiFact recently asked UMBC political science professor Roy T. Meyers to weigh in on the accuracy of House Speaker John Boehner’s statement that President Obama has “announced that he would not sign any spending bills this year unless sequestration spending cuts are eliminated.”

Meyers noted that Statements of Administration Policy (SAPs) Boehner references here do indicate a veto threat, saying that this type of wording from the Obama administration is usually “meant as a strong ‘no’ … but a ‘no’ that is meant to say he is firm in his position and that it’s time to negotiate.” Combining this with the finding that the SAPs reference the House Republican budget but do not specifically cite the restoration of sequestration cuts, PolitiFact rates Boehner’s statement as “Half True.”

Read the full analysis at PolitiFact.

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