Roy Meyers, Political Science, on

Published: Dec 19, 2014

Roy Meyers (UMBC)In a December 15 column published on, Political Science Professor Roy Meyers shared his thoughts on why there are no easy budget fixes in Maryland. He responded to an earlier column written by Barry Rascovar which outlined potential solutions to solving state budget deficits.

Meyers addressed state revenue estimates, adjusting the start time of the fiscal year, and sweeping under-projected revenues into the state’s surplus, all of which were discussed in Rascovar’s column.

“It’s important to remember that just as with budgets, for the budget process there is no such thing as an ‘easy fix,'” Meyers wrote in his column.

To read the full article titled “No easy budget fixes; Rascovar’s proposals to change the fiscal year are way off base,” click here.

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