Roy Meyers, Political Science, in the Baltimore Sun and on ABC7

Published: Sep 27, 2012

Roy Meyers (UMBC)UMBC political science professor Roy T. Meyers commented in today’s Baltimore Sun story, “Leopold attorney bills taxpayers almost $21K for two weeks.” Anne Arundel County has so far been billed $20,743 by a private lawyer to defend County Executive John Leopold in a discrimination lawsuit, raising questions about who should pay the growing tab.

Responding to the case, Meyers asked, “What level of defense is a county executive entitled to?” questioning whether the county would act similarly on behalf of other employees. He noted, “The question to ask is whether a mid-level supervisor, say in the public works department, accused of the same pattern of behavior would have received the same level of defense.”

Meyers also appeared on ABC7 this week, criticizing ads that promote and decry Maryland’s upcoming gambling referendum by misusing data on the impact of casinos. Meyers said, “They are used to show a larger effect to the public—either positive or negative—than what an objective economist or jobs expert would calculate.”

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