Leslie Morgan, Sociology & Anthropology, Honored with AGHE Award

Published: Feb 15, 2013

The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) has selected professor Leslie A. Morgan, Sociology & Anthropology, as recipient of the David A. Peterson Award for her Gerontology & Geriatrics Education article “Paradigms in the Gerontology Classroom: Connections and Challenges to Learning.”

Leslie MorganThe AGHE will present Morgan with this “best paper” award at its 2013 annual meeting. The group notes, “The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in scholarship in academic gerontology.” Manuscripts are evaluated on “innovation, the soundness of their approach, and their significance to and implications for gerontology and geriatrics education.”

Morgan’s research focuses on social dimensions of aging. A recent book explored how people understand what “quality” means in their search for an assisted living facility (watch video). She is is author, co-author or editor of six books and dozens of peer-reviewed articles and chapters. UMBC named her 2011-2012 Lipitz Professor in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, in recognition of her decades of exemplary scholarship, teaching and service to the university.

The AGHE also named UMBC Ph.D. student Colleen R. Bennett, gerontology, as honorable mention recipient for its Graduate Student Paper Award, recognizing her paper “What’s ‘Glee’ Got To Do With It? Lesbians’ Future Care Concerns and Popular Media.”

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