Laura Hussey, Political Science, on the Marc Steiner Show

Published: Jan 15, 2013

Laura HusseyLaura Hussey, assistant professor of political science, participated in a lively conversation on the Marc Steiner Show discussing the 2013 Maryland legislative session, in which lawmakers will grapple with topics like gun control and the death penalty. Joining her on the program were Cory McCray, co-founder of the BEST Democratic Club; Jon Cardin, Delegate for Maryland’s 11th District in Baltimore County; and E.J. Pipkin, Minority Leader in the Maryland State Senate.

Hussey initially focused on the question of whether we have too many people in prison, responding,  “I think that the answer has got to be ‘yes.’ If you look at the U.S. relative to the rest of the world, we are a tremendous outlier in terms of our rate of incarcerating people.” She also detailed how having a prison record has serious implications for individual people’s lives as well as continuing the larger cycle of poverty.

Additional topics Hussey covered in the radio segment include perceptions of environmental policy relating to the Chesapeake Bay and public views on raising transportation funds through increasing the gas tax.

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