George La Noue, Political Science and Public Policy, Shares Latest Scholarship

Published: Jan 28, 2013

George LaNoueThis week the University of Maryland law school journal Race, Religion, Gender and Class will publish George La Noue’s new article, “Defining Social and Economic Disadvantage: Are Government Preferential Business Certification Programs Narrowly Tailored?” (see abstract).

La Noue is a professor of political science and public policy at UMBC. He is recognized nationally for his scholarship on education policy (K-12 and higher ed) and constitutional law, and he’s been invited to testify before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in early February. La Noue is also highly committed to undergraduate teaching and recently coauthored a paper with undergraduate student Matthew Speake, accepted for presentation at the Eighth Interdisciplinary Social Science Conference at the Charles University in Prague.

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