Fringe NYC Production Featuring Theatre Faculty in The Villager

Published: Aug 7, 2013

SusanInexcusable Fantasies, written by Susan McCully, theatre, directed by Eve Muson, theatre, and starring McCully and Rachel Hirshorn ’04, theatre, has been selected as one of The Villager‘s featured Fringe NYC productions, in the article “They came from the Academic Milieu”

The production, has been performed at a number of venues, including the Prague Film Festival in 2012, the Strand Theatre Company this year and various other international festivals since 2004, and will be a part of this year’s New York City International Fringe Festival, Fringe NYC, program Sunday, August 18 through Saturday, August 24.

Learn more about the production at; find time and ticketing information at Fringe NYC’s website.


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