Edward Burroughs III ’15, and David Murray ’14, in The Washington Post

Published: Aug 15, 2012

UMBC students Edward Burroughs III ’15, education policy and political science, and David Murray ’14, economics, were featured this week in a Washington Post article: “Three college students running for school board in Prince George’s County.” The piece focuses on Burroughs, Murray and College Park student Raahela Ahmed as they prepare for the November election.

Of the three, Burroughs is the only incumbent, having become Maryland’s youngest elected official in 2010. Regarding his candidacy, Burroughs commented, “I love this county and I truly believe our school system can do better and must be better.”

Murray spoke of the role his UMBC education has played in his candidacy, saying, “I think being in college gives me a great perspective because the most important thing is that we graduate students from our [Prince George’s County School] system and make them ready for college. Unfortunately, we are not doing that like others in the state.”

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