David Murray, Student and Candidate, in Explore Howard

Published: Sep 19, 2012

David H MurrayDavid H. Murray ’14, economics, is hard at work campaigning for a seat on the Prince George’s County Board of Education, reports The Baltimore Sun‘s Explore Howard, and his chances look good.

Murray is speaking with as many voters as he can before the election, commenting, “Any time I’m not in school, I’m rushing back here to talk to people.” Next week he will participate in a forum sponsored by the Prince George’s County branches of the League of Women Voters and NAACP, alongside candidate Zabrina Epps. Murray was the front-runner in the April 2012 primary, garnering 56% of the total votes and receiving 1,500 more votes than Epps.

Responding to queries about his age, Murray notes that voters he meets seem pleasantly surprised that “they have a young person growing up in the county, deciding they’re not going to leave, or wait till they get older to solve problems, that they’re willing to jump in now and do that.”

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