Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture Partners with the Highlandtown Arts and Entertainment District

Published: Feb 27, 2012

By: Tom Moore

The Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture (CADVC) will partner with the Highlandtown Arts and Entertainment District (ha!) to present Wish You Were Here, a pop-up gallery installation March 3 through 17. A community opening event will be held on Saturday, March 3 from 5 to 7 p.m. Both the exhibition and opening event are free to the public.

Wish You Were Here, an exhibition by Lexie “Mountain” Macchi, interdisciplinary artist and CADVC graduate research assistant, recontextualizes the relationship of one leftover object to another, transforming and distorting the feeling of occupation, potential and space. Organized by the CADVC and ha! with additional support from the Highlandtown Community Association, this ground-floor installation calls towards a future of the space using the tools and language of its past—namely the detritus, debris, and accumulated silent memory-bearers within.

Pop-Up galleries and shops act as catalysts for activity that will help revitalize the Highlandtown business district and activate the residential community while providing UMBC students an opportunity for experiential learning. “We’re calling these ‘Pop-Up Galleries’ because they will suddenly appear in unoccupied spaces, and then close down shortly thereafter,” says organizer Sandra Abbott, ha! member, and curator of collections and outreach at UMBC’s Center for Art Design and Visual Culture (CADVC).

The Pop-Up Gallery opening event will be held at 3216 Eastern Avenue, a formerly unoccupied retail space. Charm City Land Co., LLC, which is currently planning a first-class residential rehab for the space, donates the space to the project. At the opening event, visitors will be invited to walk into the space and explore the first floor of the building. For the next three weeks, the installation will remain as a storefront installation featuring the site-specific artwork designed to activate the space from the vantage point of the curbside viewer.

The Pop-Up Gallery Series Installation will remain on view through the closing event on Saturday, March 17 from 5-7 p.m. Gallery admission is by appointment only, but the installation can be viewed from the storefront every evening starting at dusk.

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