Carlyn Thomas ’13, Visual Arts, First UMBC Art History Student to Curate Exhibition for Thesis

Published: Apr 22, 2013

Carlyn Thomas installing exhibition

Carlyn Thomas ’13, visual arts, is curating an art exhibition as part of her senior thesis project, and will install the show, Out of Mind, in Gallery 788. She is the first art history & museum studies student to independently curate an exhibition. Out of Mind, features artwork by eight contemporary artists who explore various states of mental distress including depression, self-harm, phobias and bi-polar disorder. Out of Mind will be on display at Gallery 788, located in downtown Baltimore, from May 2-11.

Thomas states that, “the artists featured in Out of Mind share a deep-seated desire to bring public awareness to the subject of human neuroses. Examining ways of coping with these ever-present difficulties these artists aim to strike chords of recognition in viewers about what it is to be human. The artists are rebelling against the fact that for too long these neuroses have been repressed and feared because of the archaic stigmas assigned to them. The works in the show make the point that these neuroses and personal instabilities are everyday realities that are within us all.”

An opening reception at 788, in which Thomas will give a curatorial talk about her thesis, will take place Thursday, May 2 from 7 pm until 11 pm. Gallery 788 is open Thursday and Friday, 3 pm to 7 pm, and on Saturday, Noon to 6 pm.

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