The Asian Studies Program and Longwood Apartments, located in Columbia, MD, have begun a partnership this spring. Asian Studies students will serve internships at this HUD Section 8 housing complex to facilitate communication between the largely Asian population and the non-Asian staff. They will also interact with the Chinese and Korean-speaking residents in a variety of ways, particularly through the Longwood Senior Center, which is located in Longwood Apartments and operated by Howard County
On April 26, two ASIA majors, Christine Au and Klara Kim, served as translators and facilitators at Longwood’s Spring Community meeting. Other internship duties will include: translating the monthly events calendar into Korean and Chinese; helping the Longwood staff to create bilingual work orders and other types of forms; assisting the Longwood Senior Center’s director with activities for residents (English language classes, recreational activities).

Asian Studies would also like to bring to Longwood Apartments “Food on the 15th,” a not-for-profit program that provides free groceries to low income senior citizens in Howard County. “Food on the 15th,” founded and directed by Julie Rosenthal, Program Management Specialist for ASIA, will begin collecting non-perishable food donations on campus in the fall.
To see more images, visit the Asian Studies Program Facebook Page.
Tags: AsianStudies, CAHSS