Anne Rubin’s Civil War History Class Appears on C-SPAN

Published: Jan 28, 2014

A lecture by History Associate Professor Anne Rubin in her Civil War and Reconstruction class recently aired on C-SPAN3. The class was taped by C-SPAN as part of a series on Civil War Memory and “The Lost Cause.”

Rubin’s lecture analyzed how the Civil War was remembered in the decades after the conflict with a focus on the former Confederate states. In the lecture, Rubin talks about the Southern Historical Society’s contributions to The Lost Cause myth which idealized how the pre-war South was perceived. She also analyzes cemeteries and monuments that honor the Confederate dead among other topics.

The class aired on C-SPAN 3 Saturday, January 25. You can watch the lecture in its entirety here.

Anne Rubin is author of Shattered Nation: The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy, 1861-1868. 

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