Anne Rubin, History, Publishes Through the Heart of Dixie: Sherman’s March and American Memory

Published: Nov 6, 2014

Through the Heart of DixieAnne Rubin, an associate professor of history, has been presenting a series of talks throughout the fall while on sabbatical. She has been discussing her new book, Through the Heart of Dixie: Sherman’s March and American Memory (UNC Press 2014). In the book, Rubin analyzes stories and myths about Sherman’s March, one of the most symbolically potent events of the Civil War, as a lens for examining how Americans’ ways of thinking about the Civil War have changed over time.

Rubin is scheduled to appear on WYPR’s Humanities Connection on November 27 to discuss her interactive online storytelling project, “Mapping Memory: Digitizing Sherman’s March to the Sea.” She will also be presenting a Humanities Forum event at UMBC on December 2 discussing her work. For more information, click here. Earlier in the fall, Rubin was quoted in a Washington Post article about Sherman’s March and provided insight on Sherman’s strategy. To read the full article, click here.

A complete list of talks presented by Rubin can be found below:

18-21: Flair Symposium in Austin, TX
23: Atlanta History Center

12: Southern Festival of the Book
20: Talk at George Mason University
22: Talk at Villanova University

1: Reading at Politics and Prose in Washington, D.C.
7: Talk in Augusta, GA
12: Talk in Milledgeville, GA
13-16: Southern Historical Association in Atlanta

2: Talk at UMBC
9: Filson Historical Society, Louisville

21: Talk at UT Chattanooga

16-17: Conference on Sherman in Columbia, SC

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