Ann Christine Frankowski, Center for Aging Studies, in the Washington Blade

Published: Apr 19, 2013

The Washington Blade today highlights a talk presented by Ann Christine Frankowski, associate research scientist and associate director of UMBC’s Center for Aging Studies, and Imani Woody, of Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), on challenges facing older LGBT people.

Frankowski’s work examines autonomy, independence and freedom for older adults, with a focus on minorities, especially sexual minorities. The article notes:

An estimated 1.4 to 3.8 million LGBT people in the U.S. are over the age of 65 with the number expected to double by 2030. In pursuing her research, Frankowski found that “there is no discussion of sexuality, no talk about sex. People are treated asexually, and the question of sexual orientation is totally ignored.” In addition, [assisted living] staff members, with whom there is a high turnover rate, do not respect individual choices, and supervision of these staff members is inadequate. As a result, many LGBT older adults are forced to return to the closet to remain safe.

To learn more about this issue, read the full article in the Washington Blade.

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