Ann Christine Frankowski, Center for Aging Studies, in The New York Times

Published: Jun 13, 2014

In a recent article published in The New York Times blog “The New Old Age,” Ann Christine Frankowski provides insight into sexual behavior policies at assisted living facilities. Frankowski, a senior research scientist for UMBC’s Center for Aging Studies, has conducted studies in 23 Maryland assisted living complexes over the last several years and she says, “none of them have formalized policies to deal with sexual behavior.”

Frankowski commented further on the issue and said many aspects still need to be looked into, but she said assessing such policies at assisted living complexes is beginning to be brought to the forefront.

“Ascertaining whether encounters are consensual, who is capable of consent, how to balance couples’ privacy with that of other residents – ‘these issues have not been thought through,’ said Frankowski. ‘But people are beginning to talk about it.'”

You can read the full blog post titled “Sex in Assisted Living: Intimacy Without Privacy,” by clicking here.

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