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This is a joint archive of all UMBC News and UMBC Magazine stories.
Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in Salon
Charles Sharpe, Emergency Health Services, in the Baltimore Sun
Hilltop Releases New Brief on Community Health Partnerships
Christopher Corbett, English, in Style
Robert Provine, Psychology, on’s “The Body Odd”
Center for History Education’s “Children’s Lives at Colonial London Town” Project Wins Award
Scholarship Profile: Atom Zerfas ’13
Scholarship Profile: Atom Zerfas '13
The Passing of LaMont Toliver
Thomas Schaller, Political Science, on MSNBC and Nicole Sandler Show
Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture Partners with the Highlandtown Arts and Entertainment District
Slideshow: Alumni Relations Visits Boston
The Coolest Job You Never Knew Existed at UMBC: Tony Baney, Glass Blower
We Are Inspired: The Late Professor Alice Robinson
Constantine Vaporis, Asian Studies and History, Explains Link Between Samurai and Cherry Blossoms
Laura Hussey, Political Science, and Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Gazette
Robert Provine, Psychology, on
Tune in: Thomas Schaller, Political Science, on MSNBC
A Little Love From CASE
Symmes Gardner, CADVC, Addresses Maryland House of Delegates
Jill Scheibler, Psychology Ph.D. Student, in the Baltimore Sun
Kaye Whitehead ’09, LLC, in the Baltimore Sun
Building Engineers and Computer Scientists One Bit at a Time
Dr. Robert Burchard Gives Back to His “Second Home”