All posts by: Magazine Editor

A Little Love From CASE

We’re pleased to announce that UMBC’s giving site, Giving to UMBC, has been recognized by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. The site, which won a 2012 Region II silver medal in the Website: Fundraising/Development category, went live in fall 2010 and features a Tumblr account that clues you to daily campus happenings, a new blog on giving, donor and student stories, and plenty of chances to learn about the effects of philanthropy. You can even share your own giving experiences with the world. The latest issue of UMBC Magazine features a nice little piece about the… Continue Reading A Little Love From CASE

Dr. Robert Burchard Gives Back to His “Second Home”

It’s 9 a.m., and the library is quiet, as libraries usually are, when Dr. Robert Burchard, professor emeritus of biological sciences, sits down to discuss his experience at UMBC and the reason he’s giving back to the place that’s been a second home to him for more than 40 years. In January of 1967, just a few short months after UMBC opened its doors, Dr. Burchard joined the faculty of the biological sciences department. He was young and fresh off a stint as a member of the Peace Corps in Nigeria. From one adventure to another, Dr. Burchard discovered himself… Continue Reading Dr. Robert Burchard Gives Back to His “Second Home”

Dr. Robert Burchard Gives Back to His “Second Home”

It’s 9 a.m., and the library is quiet, as libraries usually are, when Dr. Robert Burchard, professor emeritus of biological sciences, sits down to discuss his experience at UMBC and the reason he’s giving back to the place that’s been a second home to him for more than 40 years. In January of 1967, just a few short months after UMBC opened its doors, Dr. Burchard joined the faculty of the biological sciences department. He was young and fresh off a stint as a member of the Peace Corps in Nigeria. From one adventure to another, Dr. Burchard discovered himself… Continue Reading Dr. Robert Burchard Gives Back to His “Second Home”

The Passing of Professor Robert K. Webb

From Marjoleine Kars, Chair of the History Department I regret to inform the campus that Robert K. Webb died on February 14. Born in 1922, Bob Webb was long the preeminent American scholar of British history, with a glittering array of Guggenheim, NEH, and other fellowships and distinctions. He came to UMBC in 1975, from being editor of the American Historical Review, the nation’s most important journal of history, and before that he had been Professor of History at Columbia University. Giving his energy, leadership, and commitment, not just his name and stature, to UMBC, he helped shape not only… Continue Reading The Passing of Professor Robert K. Webb

Missing the Dawg Days? Try UMBC's New Virtual Tour.

Haven’t been on campus in a while? Well, now it doesn’t matter how many miles may separate you from your alma mater. Thanks to a collaboration between UMBC’s admissions department and the IRC (Imaging Research Center), you can take a virtual 360-degree tour of campus from the comfort of your own couch. The new virtual tour includes tree-lined, student-filled panoramas covering the entire campus. The interface allows you to “walk” down UMBC’s main street (or through the library, The Commons, or nearly anywhere else you might like to visit) with a click of a mouse. Michelle Jordan ’93, visual and… Continue Reading Missing the Dawg Days? Try UMBC's New Virtual Tour.

Video: Cool Jobs – Accompanist

From UMBC Magazine Winter 2012, The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed at UMBC, featuring accompanist Ferd Maisel. Video by Meredith Purvis.

Video: Cool Jobs – Archivist

From UMBC Magazine Winter 2012, The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed at UMBC, featuring archivist Lindsey Loeper ’04. Video by Gavin St. Ours.

Video: Cool Jobs – Landscape & Grounds

From UMBC Magazine Winter 2012, The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed at UMBC, featuring landscape & grounds manager Donna Anderson. Video by Gavin St. Ours.

Video: Cool Jobs – Landscape & Grounds

From UMBC Magazine Winter 2012, The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed at UMBC, featuring landscape & grounds manager Donna Anderson. Video by Gavin St. Ours.

Video: Cool Jobs – Glass Blower

From UMBC Magazine Winter 2012, The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed at UMBC, featuring glassblower Tony Baney. Video by Gavin St. Ours.

Video: Cool Jobs – Animal Lab Tech

From UMBC Magazine Winter 2012, The Coolest Jobs You Never Knew Existed at UMBC, featuring former lab animal technician Rosie Mills. Video by Gavin St. Ours.

Newest Athletic Hall of Famers

Congratulations to the newest crop of honorees in UMBC’s Athletic Hall of Fame! The inductees were welcomed into the HOF on February 4. To see a full list of Hall of Fame members from throughout the years, click here.

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