All posts by: Sarah Hansen, M.S. '15

Man in suit stands with three students in casual clothes on a green roof with blue sky above.

National media coverage of UMBC leadership highlights collaboration as key to inclusive campus culture

“It’s only when there is a cultural difference, focusing on everybody from faculty, staff to administration, saying the success of students from different backgrounds is a top priority on campus—only then can you make a difference,” Pres. Hrabowski said. Continue Reading National media coverage of UMBC leadership highlights collaboration as key to inclusive campus culture

Women presents a talk from a podium, with laptop in front of her and projector screen behind her.

Christy Ford Chapin recalls lost history of the U.S. health care system in New York Times op-ed

“Historians can use narrative to explain seemingly complex issues, add nuance to national conversations, and highlight overlooked facts,” says Christy Ford Chapin—all of which she does in her award-winning book about health care in the United States. Continue Reading Christy Ford Chapin recalls lost history of the U.S. health care system in New York Times op-ed

UMBC’s Lipi Mukherjee receives NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship for atmospheric physics research

Mukherjee is creating a new model to more quickly and precisely detect particles dissolved in the ocean that can reduce survival of local marine life, cause algal blooms, and modulate global climate. She shares that at UMBC, “everyone is very helpful and open.” Continue Reading UMBC’s Lipi Mukherjee receives NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship for atmospheric physics research

Carole McCann, feminist theory and population politics expert, named 2017 – 18 Lipitz Professor

“Carole McCann’s contributions to UMBC have been simply transformational,” says Dean Scott Casper. As the Lipitz Professor, McCann is set to embark on a complex new research project of both local and national significance: exploring the history and impact of Planned Parenthood of Maryland. Continue Reading Carole McCann, feminist theory and population politics expert, named 2017 – 18 Lipitz Professor

Legends of Excellence Awards celebrate UMBC faculty and staff who inspire black and Latino students

The work these legends did to support minority students “made a positive difference, and our students not only survived, but thrived,” shared Cynthia Hill, and President Hrabowski pointed out that UMBC now serves as a national model for elevating people from all backgrounds. Continue Reading Legends of Excellence Awards celebrate UMBC faculty and staff who inspire black and Latino students

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