All posts by: Jenny O'Grady

To You – Fall 2011

Time flies when you’re having fun. And the three years that I have spent as editor of UMBC Magazine have flown by quickly. One reason is this time has flown is the terrific stories about the university and its alumni that I encounter almost every day in the course of editing the magazine.Sometimes they arrive in an e-mail. Occasionally, it’s a phone call. And some of them come in a stamped envelope. Many stories also come from encounters that I have with students, faculty and staff on campus. I’ve even been accosted on the MARC train as I commute to… Continue Reading To You – Fall 2011

The News – Fall 2011

WONDERFUL WORKPLACE UMBC’s reputation as an “honors university in Maryland” and as a place that revels in the diversity of its community have made it a destination for students. But what do the university’s faculty and staff members think about working at UMBC? If the Chronicle of Higher Education’s annual survey of “Great Colleges to Work For” is any indication, professor and staffers alike are finding UMBC to be a destination as well. The university was one of only 42 colleges and universities in the nation – and the only four-year institution in Maryland – to make the newspaper’s Honor… Continue Reading The News – Fall 2011

Targeting Tastes – Maggie Lebherz ’08, MLL

Some students studying abroad fall in love with a place. Maggie Lebherz ’08, modern languages and linguistics, fell in love with some new tastes during her semester at the University of Salamanca. “Tasting fresh olive oil added an entirely new dimension to it, and I also learned about the health benefits of olive oil,” she says. “I had never had true balsamic vinegar, and even the best ones on the market here could not compare to what I had in Spain.” The love affair that Lebherz developed with balsamic vinegar and fresh olive oil while studying in Spain has translated… Continue Reading Targeting Tastes – Maggie Lebherz ’08, MLL

Targeting Tastes – Maggie Lebherz '08, MLL

Some students studying abroad fall in love with a place. Maggie Lebherz ’08, modern languages and linguistics, fell in love with some new tastes during her semester at the University of Salamanca. “Tasting fresh olive oil added an entirely new dimension to it, and I also learned about the health benefits of olive oil,” she says. “I had never had true balsamic vinegar, and even the best ones on the market here could not compare to what I had in Spain.” The love affair that Lebherz developed with balsamic vinegar and fresh olive oil while studying in Spain has translated… Continue Reading Targeting Tastes – Maggie Lebherz '08, MLL

Over Coffee – Fall 2011

UMBC Homecoming has undergone major changes over the past three years, and a trio of dedicated staffers who lead the university’s Homecoming Committee – Kevin Gibbons O’Neill ’86, economics, assistant athletic director, Jen Dress, coordinator of major events in the Office of Student Life and Stanyell Bruce, associate director of alumni relations – have spearheaded the makeover. We got them together to talk about why the university has spent so much time and energy improving the Homecoming experience – and just what’s in store when you visit us over the weekend of October 12 through 15! * * * *… Continue Reading Over Coffee – Fall 2011

How To Grow Your Big Idea

With Vivian Armor ’73, director, Alex. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship You wake up one morning with a big, bright light bulb bobbing above your head. You start your day, feed the dog, the light getting brighter by the minute. Pretty soon, it’s keeping you up at night. Well, congratulations. Your “big idea” has arrived – and with it, a world of possibility. So, now what? Do you cash in your life savings for seed money? Get a fancy business degree? Buy the book by that guy in the suit covered in question marks? Maybe you take some (absolutely) free advice… Continue Reading How To Grow Your Big Idea

Highways to Healing – Omolola Eniola-Adefeso '99, ChemEng

Once upon a time, Omolola Eniola-Adefeso ’99, chemical engineering, was on track to attend medical school. But she became a chemical engineer instead – so she could better attack problems such as her number one target: heart disease. Eniola-Adefeso, an assistant professor of chemical engineering at the University of Michigan, investigates radical ways of delivering medicine that could prove efficient and effective than current practice. And she may succeed because she is thinks like an engineer – and not a doctor. Eniola-Adefeso came to Maryland from her native Nigeria the age of 16. She began her studies at Catonsville Community… Continue Reading Highways to Healing – Omolola Eniola-Adefeso '99, ChemEng

Highways to Healing – Omolola Eniola-Adefeso ’99, ChemEng

Once upon a time, Omolola Eniola-Adefeso ’99, chemical engineering, was on track to attend medical school. But she became a chemical engineer instead – so she could better attack problems such as her number one target: heart disease. Eniola-Adefeso, an assistant professor of chemical engineering at the University of Michigan, investigates radical ways of delivering medicine that could prove efficient and effective than current practice. And she may succeed because she is thinks like an engineer – and not a doctor. Eniola-Adefeso came to Maryland from her native Nigeria the age of 16. She began her studies at Catonsville Community… Continue Reading Highways to Healing – Omolola Eniola-Adefeso ’99, ChemEng

Formula For Success – Ronita Marple ’05, Ph.D., Chemistry

As an analytical chemist and senior scientist for consumer goods giant Proctor & Gamble, Ronita Marple ’05 Ph.D., chemistry, observes that it’s not unusual for her to walk past a lab and catch a glimpse of a robot testing a product by performing a household chore over and over again, for hours on end, to identify a product’s weaknesses without stressing out human testers in the process. Such grueling tests are part of how all of the nearly 125 products marketed by Proctor & Gamble end up in a consumer’s shopping cart. So is Marple’s own job mundane and robotic?… Continue Reading Formula For Success – Ronita Marple ’05, Ph.D., Chemistry

Formula For Success – Ronita Marple '05, Ph.D., Chemistry

As an analytical chemist and senior scientist for consumer goods giant Proctor & Gamble, Ronita Marple ’05 Ph.D., chemistry, observes that it’s not unusual for her to walk past a lab and catch a glimpse of a robot testing a product by performing a household chore over and over again, for hours on end, to identify a product’s weaknesses without stressing out human testers in the process. Such grueling tests are part of how all of the nearly 125 products marketed by Proctor & Gamble end up in a consumer’s shopping cart. So is Marple’s own job mundane and robotic?… Continue Reading Formula For Success – Ronita Marple '05, Ph.D., Chemistry

Discovery – Fall 2011

LEARNING (FROM) THE LINGO “Baldamoreans do not speak the king’s English.” That’s how one Lexington Market patron jokingly described the city’s linguistic style to Inte’a DeShields ’13 in a podcast that was produced as a class assignment by the language, literacy and culture Ph.D. student. But that’s exactly how Christine Mallinson, an assistant professor in the program, likes it. “Not that much linguistic research has been done on the unique accents of Baltimore, but the city is a good laboratory for studying language variation,” Mallinson explains. Charm City is a living laboratory for Mallinson’s research and pedagogy. The podcast, for… Continue Reading Discovery – Fall 2011

At Play – Fall 2011

WORDS AND MUSIC Open the door to Annapolis’ Rams Head Tavern and the sounds of upbeat banjo and guitar fly out into the warm night air, followed by closely by the gruff voice of Adam Trice ’04, English – who’s in the middle of a 45-minute set with his band, Red Sammy. “It ain’t you, it ain’t her,” Trice growls tunefully in a song called “It Ain’t You (Carolina Road Anthem).” “I’m heading south, but I’m not sure. You got me high, it’s kind of funny. I’m playing bars for gas money.” Trice dubs Red Sammy’s music as “graveyard country”… Continue Reading At Play – Fall 2011

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