Thomas Schaller, Political Science, Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun

Published: Mar 21, 2014

In his latest column published in The Baltimore Sun, Political Science Professor Thomas Schaller writes about growing political polarization at the national level at the same time forces are eliminating divided government on the state level.

Tom Schaller

“The American states have cleaved into red and blue subsets. In all but three — yes, three — of the 49 states with bicameral, partisan state legislatures (Nebraska is unicameral and non-partisan), one party controls both chambers,” Schaller writes.

As the balance of power between parties is becoming more even at the state level, Schaller writes divided government continues to prevail on the national stage.

“The first two years of Mr. Obama’s presidency saw unified Democratic control, but the next four have been divided and the last two almost certainly will be — the same pattern during his Democratic predecessor Bill Clinton’s term.”

To read the full op-ed titled, “Adapting to a politically divided nation,” click here.

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