George La Noue, Public Policy/Political Science, Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun

Published: Oct 28, 2013

Public Policy and Political Science Professor George La Noue suggests transferring or closing academic programs will not integrate Maryland’s historically black colleges in an op-ed in The Baltimore Sun.

George LaNoue

The op-ed was written in response to a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Blake earlier this month in the case Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence v. Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Part of the ruling considered closing, transferring, or merging academic programs that were seen as duplicative from traditionally white institutions (TWIs) to historically black institutions (HBIs). In his op-ed, La Noue argues this raises many questions:

Would faculty, research infrastructure and library resources be transferred as well?  Would faculty recruited to an institution, whose black and white students have average  SAT scores well above 1200, work well in institutions with many students requiring extensive remedial work? Would these faculty remain competitive for national research awards?

You can read the full op-ed in The Baltimore Sun here.

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