Thomas Schaller, Political Science, in AP Story and Baltimore Sun

Published: Jul 25, 2013

Tom SchallerUMBC political science professor Thomas F. Schaller commented on the high profile that recent ex-presidents are assuming in public affairs and politics in an AP story that appeared on NPR this week,

In “Ex-Presidents Club: Lots of life after White House,” Schaller says that “the opportunities are greater” for ex-presidents who want to remain engaged after their time in office. He points to the globalization of politics and increased collaboration among current and former leaders, such as the Clinton-Bush partnerships to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Indonesia. For more detail, read “The Contemporary Presidency: Postpresidential Influence in the Postmodern Era,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 33(1), which Schaller coauthored.

Schaller has also published a new column in The Baltimore Sun on President Obama’s recent comments about race in America following the George Zimmerman verdict. In the article Schaller writes, “[Obama] asked from us is a bit of introspection before we return to our regularly scheduled programming. Sadly, I suspect few Americans will oblige him, because empathy is more difficult to achieve than sympathy (which requires shared identities and experiences).”

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