John Rennie Short Presents Workshop at Michigan State University

Published: Mar 26, 2013

Public policy professor John Rennie Short will present the talk “Restless Urban Landscape” at Michigan State University on Friday, March 29th, through MSU’s Global Urban Studies Program. The talk will be at 2:00 p.m. in MSU’s Eustace Cole Hall 207/208.

John Rennie Short is an expert on urban and environmental issues, globalization, political geography and the history of cartography. He is the author of over 30 books, founding co-editor of the journal Society and Space, and founding editor of both the Space, Place and Society book series and Critical Introduction to Urbanism book series. His most recent books include Korea: A Cartographic History (watch video) and the soon-to-be-released Stress Testing the USA: Public Policy and Reaction to Disaster Events.

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