UMBC Humanities Scholars Explore Baltimore History on The Marc Steiner Show

Published: Jan 7, 2015

think_create_engage_red.jpgOn January 5, WEAA’s The Marc Steiner Show aired a radio series produced by UMBC humanities scholars which examined the people, places, and social movements which have contributed to the history and culture of Baltimore City. The radio series was part of a course taught by Kate Drabinski, lecturer of Gender and Women’s Studies, and Nicole King, associate professor of American studies titled “Place and Public History in Baltimore.”

The goal of the series was to dig below the surface and uncover the social history of the city by asking the question: What should the public remember about Baltimore history and why? Several Baltimore residents were interviewed for the series, which included segments on the history of day laborers at Camden Yards, Chinese immigrants, and the Our Daily Bread program.

To listen to the full, thirty-minute radio series, click here.

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