Timothy J. Brennan, Public Policy, to Receive Distinguished Service Award

Published: Dec 14, 2012

Timothy J. Brennan, professor of public policy, has been named 2013 recipient of Public Utility Research Center (PURC) Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the understanding of regulatory economics and finance. The Award recognizes the cumulative impact of an individual’s research and policy analyses on both the academic community and regulatory policymakers. Brennan will receive the award as he speaks on utility regulation at the Annual PURC Conference on February 13, 2013 at the University of Florida.

In addition, Brennan will co-direct the spring 2013 Center for Research in Regulated Industries’ Conference on Postal and Delivery Economics in Dublin, Ireland. Topics covered will include issues facing the new generation of postal companies, such as strategy, competition, innovation, marketing, universal service, cost analysis, demand analysis and new services.

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