Vivian Ekey ’11 Chosen as Rangel Fellow

Vivian Ekey ’11, political science and modern languages and linguistics, was recently chosen to be a Rangel Fellow. The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is a program that aims to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service in which they can help formulate, represent and implement U.S. foreign policy. Each year, the Rangel Program selects 20 outstanding Rangel Fellows in a highly competitive nationwide process and helps support them through two years of graduate study, internships and professional development activities, and entry into the Foreign Service. Ekey will be earning an M.A in Latin American Studies and International… Continue Reading Vivian Ekey ’11 Chosen as Rangel Fellow

Alex Onischuk ’07, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Named Director of Texas Tech Chess Program

Alex Onischuk ’07, modern languages and linguistics, was named the director of Texas Tech University’s chess program on July 30, according to an article in The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. The Ukraine-born grandmaster was captain of UMBC’s chess team, during a period in which the team won four consecutive national championships from 2002 to 2006. Texas Tech’s team are also champions, winning the President’s Cup for the second consecutive year this year. Onischuk, currently ranked third in the country among chess players, released a statement saying, ““I am thrilled to be selected as head coach of the defending national collegiate championship chess team at Texas Tech,… Continue Reading Alex Onischuk ’07, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Named Director of Texas Tech Chess Program

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